As we enter the winter season in New York, it’s a time of holiday shopping, visiting family, and trekking around on snowy, icy roads. Most people are cautious as they pull onto roadways, but sometimes the bigger danger is in the parking garage you’re pulling out of. It’s always a good idea to be cautious when in a public parking area, but keep in mind that parking garages are much more dangerous in winter.

Every year, people are injured in parking garage accidents, and the numbers increase when snowy weather hits. That’s because parking garages and parking lots become the source of slips and falls, skidding impacts with structures and pedestrians, ceiling collapses, holiday muggings and vehicle break-ins, and various collisions and mishaps.

It makes sense. In winter pathways are covered in snow and ice, making it more dangerous to walk, driveways are wet and icy, and some areas that should have been plowed are still covered in snow even as stores open to busy shoppers.

Parking garage collapses over the last few years in Poughkeepsie, New York and Seacaucus, New Jersey are just a few examples of how dangerous parking garages can be in winter.

Parking garage injuries can be a result of a type of premises liability. When you’re in a public place and using commercial facilities, there is an expectation of safety. Whether it’s a mall or shopping center, restaurant or social gathering place, if you’re injured in a parking garage, it’s in your best interest to contact your attorney and let them know what happened. If you don’t have an attorney, you can always talk with us for free.

Be on high alert when driving or walking in a parking garage in winter:

  • Don’t expect vehicles to stop for you the way they do in warmer seasons. If the ground is slick, they may not be able to stop quickly.
  • Park your vehicle away from drain holes, both above and below. Ice can form and potentially crash onto you or your vehicle.
  • If possible, don’t park inside a parking garage when snow has built up on its top level. Use open lots away from structures instead of inside the garage.
  • Drive more cautiously on the driveways around parking garages and in parking lots. Stop signs and other traffic signals could be knocked down by plows or not operational due to weather conditions.
  • Drive slowly to account for icy areas and children. Parking garages and commercial driveways are high-density during holiday shopping season. Parents carrying heavy packages may not be able to immediately stop small children from darting into your path.
  • Drive slowly to account for walkways that may not be passable. Pedestrians may be forced to walk in driveways instead of on sidewalks.

There are many sources of legal information available online. The articles and information on our blog and website do not constitute legal advice. We adhere to all confidentiality requirements, but until we have accepted your case, no attorney-client privilege is established. The choice of selecting an attorney is an important personal decision that should be carefully considered. If you need legal advice, please contact an attorney directly. If you would like to find out more about having Getz & Braverman represent you or provide legal advice, contact us on this website or call us at 718-618-5567.

about Michael Braverman

Michael Braverman

“After years serving as Assistant District Attorney for the NY County District Attorney’s Office, I’ve dedicated my law practice to personal injury, criminal defense, and police brutality. I treat clients like family. Ask me a question or let’s talk about your case today. You’ll be glad you did.”

—Michael Braverman

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