This is a great question that I start getting every year around the beginning of July. Are both fireworks and sparklers illegal in all NYC boroughs? There’s been a bit of confusion because a few years ago outlying counties legalized sparklers. A lot of New York City residents assumed this to mean that sparklers became legal within New York City. The fact is, no fireworks of any kind are legal in any borough. That includes sparklers. And being in possession or using fireworks is considered a serious offense. You can and probably will be arrested.
So, why are many people are setting off fireworks and sparklers in the streets and off rooftops? We all hear those familiar pops and cracks so we know it’s happening.
Why Are People Setting Off Fireworks in NYC When It’s Illegal?
Some of the people setting off fireworks may be new residents to NYC and just don’t realize that fireworks are illegal. Many areas of the United States allow fireworks, and new residents may not give it a second thought until the police show up. In most cases, they transported the fireworks into NYC with their household goods without realizing they’re illegal.
Some residents are using fireworks because they’re confused about the laws. They probably saw that New York State legalized certain types of fireworks and they assumed that means fireworks were legalized across the entire state. That’s not true. New York City has its own fireworks laws.
Other residents know that fireworks are illegal, and decide to roll the dice and take their chances. But that’s not a good idea. The NYPD strictly enforces laws against both fireworks and sparklers. The laws are so tough that arrests are common and anyone caught with more than $50 worth of fireworks could face misdemeanor charges. The police can also seize vehicles used to transport fireworks.
Why Are Fireworks Illegal in NYC?
It’s pretty obvious that setting off fireworks in the middle of a densely-populated city is risky in a lot of ways. With so many buildings close together, fireworks can be a fire hazard. Not to mention that there’s just not enough clear space to set them off safely. In the country or suburbs, there’s a smaller risk of neighbors or property being harmed. In the city, there’s almost no possibility of finding space where there are no people or structures nearby. Fireworks burn at a very high heat level. Injuries to hands, fingers, eyes, and ears are common. By setting off fireworks in the city, a lot of innocent people are being put at risk.
Where Can You See Fireworks in NYC?
If you’re an avid lover of fireworks, don’t let NYC’s laws against fireworks get you down. Professional (and legal) fireworks displays are everywhere, well before and after the official Fourth of July. In fact, some of the biggest fireworks displays in New York happen the weekend after July 4th, especially when the holiday falls on a weekday.
When it comes to fireworks, play it safe.